இறைவனின் திருப்பெயரால்....


Sunday, February 20, 2011


In the name of Allaah, the Most Gracious & the most Merciful

ينسوها كيف لم تأمل يامن نسيتها
Ponder! Oh you who have forgotten it, how could you forget it?
كيف لم يضيعوها تأمل يا من ضيعتها
Ponder! Oh you who have wasted it, how could you waste it?
يتركوها كيف لم تأمل يامن تركتها
Ponder! Oh you who have skipped it, How could you skip that?

  حتى في(الثلوج) لم يتركوها  
Even on snowy mountains, they don't skip it.
حتى على(الصخور) لم يتركوها
Even on un easy Rocks, they don't skip it.
حتى في الملاعب لم يتركوها
Even at the Playgrounds, they don't skip it.
حتى وهم  يبحثون عن أرزاقهم لم يتركوها
Even they are busy in search of the sustenance, they don't skip it.
حتى المراهقين  لم يتركوها
Even the teenagers don’t skip it.
حتى  النساء لم يتركنها
Even the Daughters & the Mothers don’t skip it.
حتى  الأطفال لم يتركوها
Even the Kids….!.
حتى في  الطرقات  لم يتركوها
Even on the streets, they don't skip it.
حتى تحت  القصف  لم يتركوها
Even at the shelling time, they don't skip it.
حتى  تحت الأمطار لم يتركوها
Even it is raining, they don't skip it.
حتى على السيارات لم يتركوها
Even on the journey, they don't skip it.
حتى في  محطات القطار  لم يتركوها
Even at the Railway Stations, they don't skip it.
حتى في  البحر  لم يتركوها
Even at the Sea Bottom, they don't skip it.
حتى  بعد أسرهم  لم يتركوها
Even they were detained, they didn't skip it.
حتى  المعاقين لم يتركوها
Even the Handicaps, couldn’t afford to skip it.
فلماذا تتركها أنت
Then why did you skip it?
ألم تعلم بأنها أحب الأعمال
Do not you know that this is the most beloved act?
وأفضل القربات إلى الله
And the Best way to get closer to Allaah…
وأعظم الطاعات
And the Greatest Obedience…
فإن لم تحافظ على هذه الصلاة وتصلي كما أمرك ربك
So if you fail to be dutiful to your Prayers which are the Order from your Lord…
فسيأتي اليوم الذي يصلى عليك
Then a Day will surely come when People will pray your Final Salaah.
ولن تستطيع ذلك الوقت أن تقضي ما فاتك
And at that time you will not be able to compensate for the Prayers you have wasted.
ولن تجد فيها إلا  عملك فإن كنت من المحافظين على  صلاتك فسيكرمك ربك عند  مماتك
And you will not find anything with you except your Deeds.
So if you were a guard upon you Prayers then you Lord will be Generous to you at your Death
وستدخل هذه الحفرة  وحدك
And you will enter the Grave Alone.
وإن كنت من المتكاسلين فستموت ميتة  الخاسرين
And if you were the Lazier in your Prayers then you will die among the Losers.
فلاتدع الصلاة تفوتك
So let not your Prayers be Missed.
والله تعالى يقول: إِنَّ الصَّلاَةَ كَانَتْ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ كِتَابًا مَّوْقُوتًا
[Al Qur-aan Ch. 04, V. 103]
And Allaah Says: Verily, Salaah (The Prayer) is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours.
[Al Qur-aan Ch. 04, V. 103]
اللهم اجعلنا من الذين هم في صلاتهم خاشعون
Oh Allaah, Keep us among those who offer their Salaah (Prayers) with all Solemnity & Submissiveness.
والذين هم على صلاتهم دائمون
And among those who are always at their prayers,
والذين هم على صلاتهم يحافظون
And among those who strictly guard their Congregational Prayers at their fixed stated hours.
إذا إستفدت منها أرسلها لغيرك ليستفيدوا منها
ارجو الدعاء لي و لوالدي بظهر الغيب ولكل من شارك في هذه الرسالة
Please send this mail to your Family, friends and everyone you know 
And let this Mail be useful for everyone and remember all the Muslims in your Du'aa


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உங்கள் மேலான கருத்துகளை இங்கு பதியுங்கள். பதிவின் கருவுக்குத் தொடர்பில்லாதவை, தனிநபர் தாக்குதல், அநாகரிகப் பின்னூட்டங்கள் அறிவிப்பின்றி நீக்கப்படும்.

வாசகர்களின் கருத்துக்கு அதிரை தமுமுக எவ்வகையிலும் பொறுப்பாகாது.